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Guest host Susan Burton watches videos of female legislators, like Gretchen Whitmer, sharing very private stories. (7 minutes)
My Own Very Serious Comedy About Women and Food
Susan Burton sees a 1990 movie called Eating and wants to make a radio version. She talks to women about why it’s so hard to talk about eating disorders. Susan is the author of the memoir Empty. (27 minutes)
Mommy’s Busy Right Now
Lana has a problem lots of mothers have right now during the pandemic—but a more extreme version of it. Lana makes porn—at home. It’s hard to do her job with schools closed. Producer Lina Misitzis tells the story. (11 minutes)
Bad Cell Service
We’re told that sharing our secrets will liberate us. But sometimes keeping the secret is what sets us free. Pavan Bivigou writes about having sickle-cell anemia. (10 minutes)